Pre-compiled Headers
A precompiled header is a (c and c++) header that is compiled into intermediate form that is faster to process for the computer. Turbo C++ can generate (and subsequently use) pre-compiled headers for your projects. Pre-compiled headers are header files that are compiled once, then used over and over again in their compiled state. Using Pre-compiled Headers To control the use of pre-compiled headers, do one of the following: 1) Turn on the [X] Pre-compiled Headers option in the Options -> Compiler-> Code Generation dialog box. The IDE bases the name of the pre-compiled header file on the project name, creating <project>.SYM 2) Use the - H, -H=<filename>, and -Hu command-line options with TCC.EXE. 3) Use the hdrfile and hdrstop pragmas inside your code. Code Generation dialog box t his dialog box is where you select the memory model you'll be using and any options you find necess...