
Showing posts from October, 2015

Phases of storing and handling data

Phases of storing and handling data This post is all about the different way of storing the data .data is the most important part of any organization and today the whole IT industry is working for this. most of the times we are spending our time in storing updating and accessing this data. So here the step by step ways of handling data is given. In the beginning of time we are using arrays as a means of storage of data but because of its limitations we switch on to the next concept but it has also some limitations so we move on to the next concept which is queues and then  linked lists.         Arrays Stack         Queues Linked list        Array        Stack Queu Link list Concept: an array is a data structure used to process multiple elements with the same data type when a number of such elements are...

sample program for handling dabase of a bank using class

here the program is just to give an overview of  a bank  database using class.object oriented programing is used to handle large database and when we have data in mass then we need to securly handle it . when we are talking about data then the first thing about which we are concerned is it's security and c++ provide this facility so this program is giving an overview that how database can be handled using c++ . #include<iostream.h>                                               //including header file #include<conio.h> class bank                                                                    // defining class { int ac_name,w;              ...